The COVID-19 pandemic of 2020-2021 resulted in permanent (and mostly positive) changes to the co-op board approval process in NYC.
The biggest change ushered in by the pandemic was the digitization of the co-op board package submission process itself.
Other changes include broader acceptance of electronic signature, digital submission of board package fees, faster response time from co-op boards and the pivot to virtual co-op board interviews. Collectively, these changes may shorten the typical co-op board approval timeline going forward.
Digital Board Package Submission
Prior to the pandemic, most co-ops and building managers openly rejected technology and required applicants to physically print and deliver several hard copies of the board application to building management. It was not unheard of for the most conservative Manhattan co-op buildings to require between five and seven hard copies of the board package.
Since a typical board package can run upwards of 500 pages, buyer brokers were therefore required to print out thousands of pages of highly sensitive & confidential financial and other personal information. All the copies put together could literally fill several boxes and weigh over 100 pounds.
After spending hundreds of dollars on printing, a buyer’s agent had to hire a messenger to deliver these physical hard copies to the office of the managing agent.
Some brave buyer’s brokers chose to personally deliver a large and heavy box (or boxes) containing the copies to management.
Once management received the hard copies, someone at the office would have to coordinate the delivery of the physical copies to every co-op board member.
Sound ridiculous? Well it was. For years and decades, co-op buildings in NYC openly and defiantly rejected the use of email, cloud storage and other more efficient and environmentally friendly ways to accept board packages. At Hauseit, we could never reconcile the environmental damage caused by this archaic process with the fact that the vast majority of co-op board members (and residents) in NYC are highly liberal and very focused on climate change.
Once the pandemic arrived in NYC, the transfer agents at the management companies started working from home.
Therefore and almost immediately, physical submission of board packages completely disappeared.