Per the RPIE form that taxpayers are asked to complete online, you can select one of the following exclusions to excuse yourself from having to complete the rest of the RPIE form:
1. I am not required to file an RPIE for this year because my property:
a. has an actual assessed value of $40,000 or less.
b. is exclusively residential with 10 or fewer apartments.
c. is primarily residential with 6 or fewer apartments and no more than one commercial unit.
d. is a residential cooperative apartment building with less than 2,500 square feet of commercialspace (not including garage space).
e. is a residential unit that was sold and is not owned by the sponsor
f. is rented exclusively to a related person or entity.
g. is occupied exclusively by the owner but is not a department store with 10,000 or more grosssquare feet; hotel or motel; parking garage or lot; power plant; or theater.
h. is owned and used exclusively by a fully exempt not-for-profit organization or government entity and generates no rental income.
i. is vacant or uninhabitable and non-income-producing for the entire year.
j. is vacant, non-income-producing land.
k. The owner has not operated the property and is without knowledge of the income and expenses for the entire calendar or fiscal year of the reporting period.
Most coops appear to be excluded per Part D of the RPIE form because the home “is a residential cooperative apartment building with less than 2,500 square feet of commercial space (not including garage space).”
This was further clarified by the above referenced worksheet we found which expounded upon the exclusion for co-ops:
Residential cooperative apartment buildings with no more than 2,500 square feet of commercial space (not including garage space). To claim this exclusion you must still complete the RPIE-2015 (Parts I and IV). An RPIE is required for unsold sponsor-owned units if 10% or more of the units remain unsold.
In our opinion, individual co-op apartment unit owners do not need to worry about this form. If your co-op has a lot of commercial space or is otherwise required to file, your building management company or co-op board will be responsible for handling, not you.