Promptly upon adopting a dog or within thirty (30) days of adoption of this policy by the Board of Directors, proof of identifying information about your dog (i.e., name, breed, size, age, etc.), current license, and all required inoculations, including non-required inoculations, shall be provided to the Management Office. Registration of dogs.
Annually, the Management Office will request that proof of current license and required inoculations be provided to the Management Office within fifteen (15) days of request. Residents with dogs are reminded that each resident with a dog must comply with New York City laws pertaining to the ownership of dogs in New York City, as well as these rules.
Dogs shall be leashed at all times once outside your residence. That means, dogs shall be on a leash no longer than 6 feet long while in the elevators, stairwells, lobbies and public areas. The leash length conforms to New York City laws pertaining to dogs living in New York City.
The community reminds residents that it is the owner’s responsibility to control the owner’s dog(s). That means that an owner is required to prevent excessive barking and jumping on people or otherwise making a nuisance of any kind to members of our community. Please note that this includes leaving your dog on your terrace alone when the dog may bark constantly so as to disturb your neighbors.
Anyone walking a dog shall curb the dog, as required by law. If, by chance, the dog relieves itself before getting to the curb, the dog walker shall have a bottle of water when taking the dog for a walk. When the dog is finished urinating, the dog walker will use the water to dilute the dog’s urine.
Security will be asked to provide a verbal warning for failure to comply with this policy. If there is a second incident of a failure to comply with this policy, a written warning to the resident of record will be issued. If there is a third incident of a failure to comply with this policy, the incident will be reported to the Board of Directors to consider eviction proceedings for a failure to follow this policy. Note that in the event that the failure to comply with this policy is severe that there may be a danger to residents due to a dog’s behavior, a verbal or written warning may be bypassed at the discretion of Management and the incident may be reported to the Board of Directors to consider eviction proceedings.
Furthermore, New York City requires that dogs be leashed on a leash no longer than 6 feet and an owner fined for failure to pick up after a dog. This policy includes charges to shareholders for failing to comply with the community’s requirements for failure to leash a dog or picking up after the dog’s poop, as follows:
For failure to have a dog on a leash not longer than six feet: $25.00 per incident. For failure to pick up after a dog has pooped: $25.00 per incident. These charges shall be added to the shareholder’s monthly maintenance.